Costa Rica celebra Una boca feliz es un cuerpo feliz


The Dental Association of Costa Rica developed a campaign to spread the message of the International Dental Federation aimed at dentists, children and the general population, which included different actions.

Name of association/organization
Costa Rican Dental Asociation
Name of activity(ies)
Colegio Dentisas Costa Rica
Type of activity(ies)
School visit
Social media campaign

9.9292803, -84.0711457

Number of activity(ies)
Number of participants (in activities)
Activity date(s)
From March 1st to April 30th
Press coverage details
A press release was issued to all media outlets. Two national media outlets were published: AMPrensa and Radio Columbia



Calle 21, Avenidas 2 y 4
San Jose, San Jose
Costa Rica

Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Costa Rica