Provide help and advice to a special needs center with a focus on mental development

School visit

As part of our mission to enable better, smarter, and safer healthcare to improve lives, 3M Oral Care (now Solventum) was in action on March 20, World Oral Health Day! Once again, this year, a dedicated team of dentists, dental assistants and staff from the Seefeld subsidiary in Germany had set off to provide help and advice to a social institution. Everyone was looking forward to an exciting day at the Mathilde-Eller-Schule in Munich/Germany, a special needs center with a focus on mental development. In cooperation with the organization Special Olympics Deutschland in Bayern e. V., the Solventum team engaged with the pupils with special educational needs about the importance of good oral hygiene. The dentists also carried out individual oral hygiene measures. In cases needed, the dentists shared recommendations for further treatments with parents.

Pupils could train how to clean teeth, they could test different toothbrushes, interdental brushes, tongue brushes and dental flosses. In addition, they also learned about the sugar content of different drinks and food. The latter part was provided by Special Olympic Bayern e. V. Pupils had lots of fun and showed great interest. The young "patients" willingly allowed themselves to be examined and chatted with the "doctors". All participants received a medal from the Mars Wrigley Foundation.

With almost 80 pupils participating the event was a full success.



