Spreading Healthy Smiles - Hopes Dental Camp ( PAKISTAN ASSOCIATION OF DENTAL STUDENTS)

School visit

“ Spreading Healthy Smiles Dental Camp at Hopes Secondary School

Karachi: Promoting Oral Health Among Underprivileged Children”

On March 7th, the Prophylaxis Committee of the Pakistan Association of Dental Students successfully conducted a dental health camp at Hopes Secondary School,Karachi. This initiative was part of a broader commitment to improving oral health among underprivileged school children and fostering an environment of empathy and understanding within the community.The primary objective of the camp was to provide essential dental care and to educate the children about the importance of oral hygiene. The event began with a structured welcome session, followed by a series of dental check-ups performed by skilled dental students and House Officers. The committee ensured a smooth and inclusive experience for all attendees, emphasising the importance of a comfortable and trusting environment.A significant number of Oral Prophylactic Dental Surgeries (OPDS) were carried out,tailored to the specific needs of the children. The services extended beyond clinical treatments, with a focus on establishing a rapport with the young attendees and addressing their emotional comfort during the procedures.The camp also included a variety of interactive activities designed to engage the children and promote socialisation. These activities included fingerpainting stations,interactive and lively presentations on oral hygiene instructions, and children-friendly dental-themed props for the children to take pictures with. These served as a platform for the volunteers to connect with the children on a personal level, transcending the traditional patient-provider relationship.The event concluded with a certificate ceremony, acknowledging the hard work and dedication of the volunteers. The certificates represented more than just participation ; they were a testament to the volunteers’ commitment to empathetic service and community involvement.The dental camp at Hopes Secondary School was a testament to the potential of dentistry to effect positive societal change. It highlighted the significance of empathy,education, and active community participation in creating a more inclusive society where the health and well-being of every individual are valued.Through this initiative, we reaffirm our dedication to oral health education and our commitment to nurturing the smiles of our future generations.



Name of association/organization
Name of activity(ies)
Spreading Healthy Smiles - Hopes Dental Camp
Type of activity(ies)
School visit

24.8607343, 67.0011364

Number of activity(ies)
Number of participants (in activities)
Activity Audiovisuals




Napier Road

Hope Secondary School , karachi